Monday, March 28, 2011

a sheltering tree

Right smack dab in the middle of a three or four very rough days, a couple of nice things happened.

From Friday on, the days just took on a life of their own. My health was horrid. period. I use my cane now all the time. Makes for some long days. I wasn't the best at managing money. Might have indulged a bit too much. The days were rough, and harsh and not so good. My mind was on some ugly stuff so of course again with pretending to be a butterfly. I flit here and there and move again and not really accomplish too much.

Sure I finished a great new fancy schmancy pair of pajamas. I started sewing some one's Spring dress. I made a sweet craft project, super easy and quick.

Oh sure, I tried my famous trick of doing for others....the daffodil cards to three widows...I am quite sure they will like receiving the cards. For some reason my spirit still wilted?

I thought I was totally happy and okay with the mini family reunion.....but then I got a little bit jealous, urgh. I haven't seen son #2 and his sweetheart since Thanksgiving of 2009. It makes me sad and grumpy.

Sometime ago, as a fluke I asked (& we planned) a friend to meet for dinner Saturday night. Our Mr. Rights both happen to be attending the same out of town conference.

Now you know I don't like to use names here in blogland. So let me think. I listen to a radio show once a day and on Tuesday's they feature a gal named "The Dirt Diva". She talks all about organic gardening and growing stuff and getting your hands dirty. That name just doesn't fit my friend................ maybe, well she
is anxiously awaiting grandson number two.............Grandma the Garden Goddess! Oh, I sort of like that. I will henceforth refer to her as the Garden Goddess. She loves to be in her greenhouse and get dirty and plot and plan and create. Actually she is a very slight lady, somewhat short and small with sassy blond hair that wisps around her ears. In her ears were dangling sweet and saucy earrings. She has the spirit of a garden fairy. I say she is plotting because as she wears little flats with flowers on the toes, she is planning ways to sell her plants to make and give money to her favorite charity. She is masterminding this entire fabulous creative mission to combine her favorite passion, yes passion and somehow make it work for others. Brilliant just so darn brilliant. Being around smart, sassy, brilliant girls makes my spirit soar.

We spent the most wonderful, relaxing time enjoying a three hour dinner. Yep, I said three hour dinner. Not a three hour tour...........oh no, now that song is in my head....oh bother. What normally would have taken 25 minutes to eat, we drug it out and swam in the comfort of each other. We lifted each other up and laughed and shared and the time just flew by. Really lovely and I got to be apart of that loveliness.

Come Sunday afternoon, I was not my upbeat self. Actually, not really charming to be around. Even the dog had retreated to her bed. dang. Then the phone rang. Now, usually while chatting on the phone, I do chores and fold laundry and make the bed and empty the dishwasher or wash windows etc. I find quiet chores to do. I just did not feel up to it. So I poured myself a fresh cup of coffee, yes with sugar and soy cream and sat down. Did you just read that I sat down and chatted with my friend. Okay, no names, let's see, I could call her the California Church Lady friend (she is an amazing giver to her church in time, deed, and offerings), or I could choose to focus on the fact that she is a Home Schooling Mom of six! Yes, you read that right six children. Maybe something with a Victorian twist, as she loves Victorian everything? Once many moons ago, when the magazine first came out we shared a subscription. She loves lace and tea and gloves and dresses and purses and girlie girl things and more tea. She is the one friend I can be honest with and say, URGH how can you drink that stuff? Yet, somehow I try and remember to send tea and tea coupons and loose tea and more tea as a reminder that I am thinking about her and her passion. My "Tea Lady" always has the best manners and never says an unladylike thing about me drinking my coffee.
The phone call was really nice and kind of her to think of me. Sure she has lots going on........oh for Pete sake....she has six children, one grandson and a husband to keep up with. The phone call made me really take a break for a while and relax and laugh and joke and not have to think about all the icky stuff for a bit. Really
lovely, and I got to be apart of that lovliness.

I hope I am wise enough and intune enough with my friends and have the Grace to offer up a little island of rest in time of need. We all have really rough times once in a while. We all need a life preserver thrown to us (not at us). Just a short rest and then we will pick up our sack of worries and troubles and move forward with our heads held a little higher.

Friendship is a sheltering Tree.

1 comment:

Jan said...

So, I'm sitting here smirking. I am not a very good girl sometimes. From this entry in your Blog, I would say you are FULL of grace, not just trying.