Monday, November 29, 2010

Gracing tables one loaf at a time.

What can you get for $1.09?

That would be 14 pounds of bananas! On Saturday,
the Commissary had big bags of bananas for sale.

I had to do it, I just had to.

So the next person begging on the corner will get a fresh loaf of
banana bread today. Our mail lady Diane will get a fresh loaf today.
The next person who walks through our door (I am guessing
in about 30 minutes the mother of the sweetest grandgirlie in
the world) will get a fresh loaf.

I printed labels and have the clear bags and sweet ribbon to tie them
all up. I am guessing that some will have to be wrapped and frozen for
the next week or so.

I started singing Raffie's song....I love to eat, eat, eat, apples and banaynays...I love to eat, eat........

So far this morning, I have four loaves of Banana Bread
goodness on the rack cooling. I have four more in the oven baking.

I have 6 batches on the counter mixed up and waiting to go into loaf pans.

I have a recipe printed off for muffins with crumble topping to make 24
to send into Mr. Right's work tomorrow.

I will freeze a couple for some dog treats (Monkey Business).

After having used 21 bananas this morning, it looks like
I still have about 15 to go.

I had to leave out the walnuts. Who knows who can have
them or not. I wanted this to be fun and happy. Not a
bad reaction for someone.

A couple of pounds of pure butter and some dark brown sugar
and this house smells heavenly!

Good Karma comes in all shapes. Today it comes in loaf size pans.

Gracing tables one loaf at a time...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

date night

After a day of Christmas shopping....... Date night!

Sushi then out to Starbucks for a coffee. GREAT news, the Caramel Brulee Latte is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it. Okay, I did notice the Cranberry Bliss bars, too. (I am waiting to buy one while on our trip to Oregon in a couple of weeks.)

Why didn't I purchase Christmas cards last year on the 26th? I hate the ones I am seeing this year. Yes, we used a photo last year. I didn't want to this year. dang. I do have 28 cards ready for Mr. Right's office. Now, to come up with 85 more for us to send out. urgh. I really did not want to make them this year.

Friday, November 26, 2010

a tiny bit of panic

a tiny bit of panic is starting to creep in.

gifts.........I have a package that needs to be
completed and filled to be shipped to the other
side of the country. I want it to be in the mail
on Monday. Yikes.

think, think, I need/want to do some thing
extra nice for an extra nice sister in law.

before, during and after

In the middle of setting the formal table for Thanksgiving...

I discovered that I have way too many linens and dishes that I
don't nor will never use. Time to purge. Now, before the
next dinner party.

We are calm and trained. Two bathrooms flooded and
we didn't even break stride. All taken care of before the
guests arrived.

Thanksgiving meal...

For a 90% vegetarian family, it was by far

the best Turkey I had ever roasted.

I had my hopes pinned on a new side dish.

Baked Artichokes....sad disappointment. Two

thumbs down. dang it.

Best of the table: this years' cranberry sauce

Worst of the year: my rolls (never has happened before)

Someone said the stuffing was the best ever.

Made me smile.

Loved the place cards this year.

after the meal..

Played a fun card game.

Mr. Right does the dishes, always makes me smile.

After the clean up, Mr. Right gave me a star fish ornament
for the tree this year. I was delighted. Such a sweet
surprise. I love the artistry of Margaret Furlong.

Morning after...

time to purge, clean, throw away, donate and
get this ship into shape!

Friday, November 12, 2010

grateful for memories

Today would have been my father's 73rd birthday.

I guess each family has one person that sort of connects
everyone. With goodness or stress.

I do remember a couple of good times when I was a kid.
I don't remember but have been told, that when I was an
infant, my parents used to put me in the back of my
father's police car and he would do his rounds and
drive around until I fell asleep. No, no car seat,
just me wrapped in a blanket.
Apparently, I was fussy? I wonder what would have
happened if he had to arrest someone and "take them

He was a little disappointed he had three girls and no
boys. So I was more of an annoyance I think.

Once I hit junior high and on,
he was gone most of the time making a living
and providing "things" for our family.

Yes, he was very well educated and held jobs of
importance. He also started out as a commercial
fisherman and a MP in the US Army.

It is ridiculous to think that if he was living,
he would be the hero and make my family act nice
and be kind to each other. He would step in like
a knight in shinning armour and make everyone
accept me and me little family.

So for today, I will remember a couple of happy
times and live in a fantasy world where he would
make everyone be nice. Thanks Dad.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I started the day reading and rereading the poem “In Flanders Fields”.

There were poppies drawn (and coloured- spelled that way on purpose red) on my note this morning.

As a child, Mr. Right, just like every other Canadian child (and two American home schooled boys) every year on November 11th at 11:11 am they would stop and pause and were silent. This silence is part of what formed them into the men they are.

We have a breathtaking painting hung above the piano. It is done by a Texas
Artist and it is the most glorious riot of outdoor poppies one could imagine.

The red poppy is the great equalizer. From royalty to grocery store box boys to the business man, to the housewife, to little boys “secretly” poking each other with the pin, today all will wear their poppy.

Mr. Right left the house this morning with a poppy pinned to his suit jacket. I saw it laying out last night by his cell phone and keys and coffee travel mug, so it wouldn’t be
forgotten and not worn.

We have our American flag flying. We also have a Canadian
flag flying. A week ago, we sent out our Veterans Day cards.

Tonight we will enjoy a formal dinner with the “good” china. We will remember.

No, Mr. Right and I will not be buying a mattress today during some Veterans Day sale.
No, Mr. Right and I will not be getting a “free” appetizer at a local eatery.
No, Mr. Right and I will not be getting a 10% off coupon by showing a military I.D. card.

Mr. Right served and retired after 22 years in the US Army.
Mr. Right’s brother served and retired after 27 years in the US Army.

My father, father in law, grandfathers and on and on the list goes, all served America and Canada.

Today, as every day, I will remember.

“In Flanders Fields the poppies blow…”

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I am so grateful for my oven. I used it daily. I use it for my business.

Today, I am baking Gobble, Gobble (turkey dog treats), Wish Bones (beef bones) and the house is smelling wonderful.

Also, I am going to bake people cookies to fill that cookie jar.

I love my oven. It is not fancy nor expensive nor hip and happening.
Just a work horse.

Sometimes that is the best.

Gratitude, day 10

I am very grateful for:

1. My curly hair. The products I use to keep it under control.
My freedom to wear it however I want, not covered with a scarf
or head covering.

2. Hot shower each morning. Having lived through two teenagers,
I am grateful for a very hot steamy shower. yes, I remember
taking cold showers (lack of hot water) on graduation days,
retirement days, parties, beginning of trips......

3. Clean water. I have it whenever I want. Others, too many
do not.

4. A husband who likes to eat my cooking and baking.
Because I like to bake and cook.

5. creativity. It feeds my soul every single day.

6. Clothes dryer. Yes, I know how to hang out clothes.
No, I don't want to.

7. Digital camera. I love taking 27 shots to get "the"
perfect one.

8. oatmeal. I eat it 5 days a week. I like it and am
very grateful that we can afford to do so.

9. full spectrum light. I use it daily to help me
and my eyes with my handiwork.

10.all my current and past quilting and sewing friends.
They help me see forward and help me with accountability
to finish things.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Tart, I mean really tart Lemon Meringue Pie makes my skirt fly up!

I love the flaky homemade crust. I love the tart lemon taste of the filling.
I love the fluffy meringue. I even love to lick the spatula.

Now, what to make for dinner?

Monday, November 8, 2010


Mr. Right does not hear well. Yes, he has hearing aids. No, he does not like them nor does he wear them.

Because I can hear very well, I am the one who knows when the car lights are left on. I can hear the beeping.

I know when the microwave timer goes off. Mr. Right uses it as a timer for his grilling.

I know when the stove timer goes off and the phone rings and I can hear when his Blackberry is vibrating (even with no sound).

When he is driving and I am a passenger, I can hear the sound of sirens coming and from what direction.

I am the one who can tell him some gossip at a party or a funny line in a movie that he may have missed.

Sure, this isn't going to work forever. For now, I am grateful that I can hear for both of us. Yes, I forget to turn my head to him to speak sometimes. Yes, I forget a little pad of paper in my purse for church sometimes.

For today, I am grateful for good hearing.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Don't be so busy surviving that you forget to live.

Still pondering this one.

Day four and five of gratefulness

I am grateful for soap. Somehow over the years I had forgotten just how many times one washes ones hands while caring for a baby for one day. I am grateful for and LOVE my Coconut French Milled soap. Today, my hands are dried out. It is a cheap price to pay for hanging out with a sweet grand girlie.

Today, day five I am grateful for my kitchen aid. I love that machine. I love it so much I want to marry it! I use it 6 out of 7 days a week. Today, I will be creating scones. A couple different kinds. Savory (my favorite) and sweet. I also am going to make some home made cheese crackers. I have a couple pieces of smoked salmon left over and want to "Gussie" up the appetizer offerings for this evening. Mr. Right loves a nice appetizer platter. Who am I kidding? I love a good appetizer plate!!!!!!!!!!!

Random grateful thoughts: I am grateful for really good morning coffee, my extremely fluffy white robe, watching the birds at the feeder (outside), having a very clean interior of our car, books, the library, the best vacuum in the world, photographs,
different shaped keys, the sound of our Napoleon clock chiming, piano music, a basket full of fruit and veggies just waiting to be juiced tonight.
If you want to be happy, be.
~Leo Tolstoy

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

days of gratitude

I have a friend who wrote this morning "day 3 of gratitude".
I fell head over heels in love with this idea.

I am "stealing" it. I want to showcase, if you will, gratitude every single day for the month of November.

No thoughts of scale or one being better than another.

Yesterday, I wrote to her and explained that I was super grateful for
my Mr. Right, D, G, G, M, Sweet Z and of course my Sweet dog. However,
I was really grateful for my health and the political ads coming to an end.

Today, I am grateful for my loyal dog. She is my companion and buddy
everywhere and whatever I do. She is who I bounce ideas off of. As I
type she is laying with her head in a pile of soft dog toys, holding a
sock all while watching the birds at her bird feeder on the deck. She
reminds me to be grateful for rest time.

I am grateful for freshly made juice. We juice almost everyday.
Makes me feel happy and satisfied and yes, grateful.

Lately, Mr. Right has been hiding a plastic mini pig daily.
Today "paulie" fell out of my nut grinder. I grind flax seeds
for my daily oatmeal. I don't know why a plastic pig makes me
laugh. One day I found "paulie" in my empty coffee cup, awaiting
fresh joe to be poured in. ha I am grateful for a daily laugh.

I am grateful that my cold is 98% gone.

I am grateful that I have a piano to play whenever I want.
I remember years ago taking lessons. That first six weeks, I drove
to a Masonic Hall and used their piano to practice everyday. Some days
before volunteering at a nursing home, I would arrive early and
practice in the basement. Once we purchased a piano,
we lived in a duplex at the time, so when the neighbors left
for work or shopping, I would practice the piano. Yup, I am lucky
and grateful to have my own piano and practice and play whenever.

I have a sign in my kitchen that reads "GIVE THANKS". It is always there
reminding me daily what to say before I start baking or cooking or creating.
I am grateful that I have the "timber" in my cupboards to bake and cook with.

For today, November 3rd, I am grateful.