Tuesday, March 22, 2011

do, ray, me, fa, so, la...

I love to practice the piano. For some reason practicing scales actually relaxes me. Oh sure, I have great posture while sitting at the piano bench. I just feel relaxed and calm. Yes, my hands are washed prior to sitting down. Yes, I let my fingers soak in warm water for a couple of minutes before settling in.

If the phone rings, it just keeps on ringing.

I sort of day dream while I am practicing and playing the piano. Sometimes, I dream about the beautiful dresses that I would wear to preform. I love to daydream about just sitting down to a gorgeous piano in a sumptuous hotel lobby and just playing for a couple of minutes.

Piano music sooths my soul. Listening to others play makes me really happy.

One of those moments in the day that you carve out all to yourself and just be. No worries, no bills, no troubles, just bare feet and some sheet music.

Oh that reminds me, I adore and fell in love with the book Sheet Music: Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage by Kevin Leman. It was a book well worth your time to spend reading and learning.

Lovely piano music is what Grace must sound like.

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