Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rob and Laura

For some reason I was thinking of Rob and Laura Petrie last night. Yes, that couple from the 60's. Didn't they sleep in separate beds? She always wore a matching nightgown and bathrobe. Always had lovely slippers on. Rob wore pajamas with matching top and bottoms. When they turned out the light, a soft blue glow washed over them, music played and they faded to commercial. Very peaceful, restful and full of harmony.

So last night at 11:37 pm, Mr. Right and I were in bed. He in his blue plaid pajama bottoms and Jeopardy t-shirt. (Might I add he was munching on homemade peanut butter on toast.) Me in one size too big pale green yoga pants and a faded yellow Johnson & Wales "MOM" t-shirt. He was answering and sending e-mails...he was working. I had just finished a (bad) library book and was working on a puzzle book. The dog was still on the foot of our bed.

No soft music was playing, nothing matched........I'll even be honest enough to say
I hate the color of the bedroom walls and it does not match the bed linens.

There might just be something to the wearing of matching bed clothes and
soft music playing to commercial and light fading?

This time of year (symposium planning time) is a tough trick. We seem to be
grumpy and tired....yet the day goes on and on.

Tonight he packs for a business trip to San Diego. I am guessing that
it will not be an early night. I am also pretty sure that neither of us will
be wearing matching clothes of any kind.

and so it goes....

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