Tuesday, March 8, 2011

business travel

Is it just me, or are most civilian business trips held in warm and lovely locations?
While in the military, Mr. Right travelled and travelled and then some. Here are a couple....Fort Wainwright, Alaska (you had to tie yourself to a rope between buildings as the white out conditions were so bad). How about, half way between Lawton, Oklahoma and OKC? There is nothing out there. How about Fort Sam Houston, over and over and over.....

Fast forward to civilian life. Mr. Right is leaving tomorrow for San Diego, California. He has been to conferences in Florida and Vegas and up state New York and Dallas and LA........ all pretty darn nice.

The hotel rooms are on a little different scale than the "military hotels for
traveling soldiers".

Yipes, I guess he has certainly put his time into the goofy, little, cold, out of the way places.

Here's to good golfing weather in San Diego. He will be a much happier man when he returns.

Happy Mr. Right equals happy me!

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