Tuesday, March 15, 2011

grace be to you

This is to the woman in the grocery store I saw this morning at 9:00 am. You were yelling all mean faced and seemed exasperated with your two little boys. It broke my heart. You looked overwhelmed. You were mad and frustrated and upset to put it mildly. The boys seemed frustrated as well.

I know two boys under five can be a handful. I know maybe having your husband away serving in the Army is hard, really hard. I know that feeling of living in a different state where you have no support.

I prayed for you today. I prayed for your boys. I prayed that you would find a tiny bit of happiness today. Maybe a rest from the ugly and unhappy spirit. I am sincerely sorry that you are struggling.

May you have the Grace to ask for a tiny bit of help so that you may find some peace and happiness. That way your spirit may soar and your little boys will feel safe just seeing how happy you can be.

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