Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I won't mention names, as to protect the innocent or frustrated.

Here is the scenario: A person is interviewing another person for a job opening. before the interview begins, the applicant says, "I am making $17.50 an hour unemployment, so if you can't start me out at that level, I won't waste your time."

Does anyone out there think the system might be broken? Here in Washington state our minimum wage was just increased to $8.55. I have a suggestion, no matter how long you have worked or how much you made, maybe unemployment should be more in line with minimum wage? Or maybe you should only be able to take out of unemployment what you have already paid in? It was put into place to just "tied you over" until you found another job. Not support you while you choose what system pays you more.

I don't know how to fix this broken system. Maybe it is time to brainstorm and throw around some ideas?

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