Thursday, October 7, 2010

yoga rant

Here is my rant for this morning:

Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler from Kentucky is of the opinion that
people that practice Yoga are not Christians.

Since I am not about to drive to Kentucky (or goodness sakes move on purpose
to his city) to "follow" him, I will continue to practice Yoga every single day of my life.
Then in another part of my day I will continue to read my Bible and try
my best to treat others as I would want to be treated.

Here is a news flash for Mr. Mohler, IF I did not practice Yoga, I for one would not
be able to sit still through his sermons, nor would I be able to go to sleep at night
calmly, nor would I be able to sit and calmly watch a tv show for 30 minutes (still
a hard one with out some type of hand work), if I didn't already go through my
apparently "sinful" 27 minutes of stretches this morning, I would be scrubbing the
driveway and pruning bushes and dancing a jig instead of calmly and quietly
having my morning coffee and typing an insane e-mail about how goofy his thinking is.

Apparently, there are two kinds of people in this world, the kind with open minds and
hearts and ...well you know the rest.


Jan said...

OMG! geez louise, so now I need to give up yoga to be a "good Christian"! No thanks. Well... I don't do yoga, I have 3 CD's and always meant to do yoga. Think this might be motivation to actually start! I know I would look and move way better next full moon doing my skyclad dance to worship the moon. Casting a circle and calling the elements will be a snap!

Emma said...

scrubbing the driveway!!!! omg lol I actually laughed out loud that is like the funniest thing I have heard all day!!! sad part is i'm not even kidding... my mother is crazy you don't HAVE to dance it just helps