Friday, October 8, 2010

It's official

It didn't happen the way I had envisioned.
I thought I would know in an instant when I officially
became "mature" or "old".

I honestly thought the feeling would come when
getting up from gardening my knees creek and I
rub the small of my back. Nope, just felt good
to accomplish the weeding.

Then I thought well for sure when we have a
grandbaby or our friends started having
grandbabies of their own. Nope, it just
feels good and happy and joyful.

I really thought the "old" feeling would come
when friends started having things replaced.
You know, hips, knees, teeth and on and on
that list goes. Nope, just happy for them that
they have a new fresh pain free outlook on

The "mature" gene would surely hit when
once again I can't seem to figure out
my ipod or something to do with the
computer. Is it frustrating, you bet! I just
love to figure it out and then I feel so
"hip". Makes me feel like a smarty pants
when I figure out technology, not old.

Paying bills early, sending out birthday cards
early, remembering to pick up dry cleaning on time,
knowing the answer to etiquette questions,
making a dinner turn out all at the same time for
2-25 people, baking a great loaf of bread dying my
hair to hide the gray and on and
on the list goes.....I really thought it would hit
me that I am aging.

Then it happened...sort of like watching it in slow
motion.....Last night, I was sitting on the sofa, Mr. Right in
his chair and then it happened! The dog got up
and wagged her gigantic plume tail and knocked a huge
glass of iced sweet tea on the carpet. Neither of
us said anything. We just got a couple of towels and
wiped it up & started the washer. No drama, no hurrying,
no yelling, no excitement, nothing really. In a very uneventful,
very calm fashion we cleaned it up and went back to
watching the television.

Wow, in an instant, we realized, dang, we are
old and mature. In the olden days that would have
had us jumping and yelling and moving like
we were on fire.

"Slow your journey to include time for happiness".


Jan said...

Guess I'm not old (or more likely mature) I STILL yell and scream and race around when stuff gets spilled.
Thanks for making me feel young and foolish ;-)

(ok ok, in all honestly I feel old and grouchy most of the time)

Chandra said...

I guess I am REALLY OLD. Scott and I would have probably waited till the commercial to clean it up....especially if it was a baseball playoff game.