Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 1

Well Hello October....or like we refer to it in our
humble abode......Socktober.

That's right folks, Mr. Right and I are clearing out our sock drawers.
Goodbye old comfortable dull and dingy socks. Goodbye rubbed thin heels of
socks. Goodbye funny stretched out top of socks.

Hello fresh, clean, white, still in the package, pillows of softness and

Yep you totally "get us" now, we toss out the old and fill 'er up with
new happy goodness.

This year a certain grand girlie will also receive a Happy Socktober present from us. Just a few pairs of sweetness for some one's tootsies.
Also, a college care package is flying it's way to Arizona. Thought maybe a certain college girl would like a box of socks? Funny, yet useful and makes ones toes oh so happy. Might even help with those long study sessions. New socks help, they really do.

I ask you, who among us doesn't like brand new out of the package socks?

So there you have it. Goodbye old, sad, stretched out, dull, thin, not so bright socks.

Hello soft, fluffy, cushions of pure goodness.

Happy Socktober everyone! Happy Socktober!

1 comment:

Carmen said...

This is SOOOOOO funny. I know two little girls who just received lots of new socks also. Only a few things are different. Some of the socks are "bright, screaming at you" neon colors, some are white with frogs or monkeys, and some are embellished with lace. Some of the socks are polka dotted, some are striped, and some are solid colored. Many, many pairs of new socks, and all of these socks were joined by a brand new pair of shoes. One pair, grey with stars, I am told they are called "skater" shoes. The other pair, pink as pink, glitter covered, ballerina slippers, the favorite, (and did I mention glitter and lots of it) longed for princess shoes. Socks and shoes, making little girls happy. :)