Friday, June 17, 2011

toys in bed

Yahoo, Mr. Right came home last night and all is right with my world for now.

Last night the dog was greeted and paid attention to. She was and always is very demonstrative and shows her excitement. She missed him and he was going to know it.

The washer and dryer were doing their thing. The pile of clothes were stacked and
ready to be dropped off to the dry cleaner.

The boys called and we chatted. Ahhhh, everyone can breath easier and sleep easier. Fat Daddio is in the house! yeah.

So it is bed time, love the "before bed routine". Lunch made for tomorrow, coffee maker standing ready to go at the break of dawn tomorrow. Pat the dog, give the dog a treat, brush teeth, make up off, lotions and potions get the idea.

Jump into bed. Now for the toys.

He and his Blackberry. Me and my spiffy new Kindle (yep, brand new to me). Silence. Laying next to each other in our (version) of jammies (read that as I had on yoga pants and my favorite Johnson and Wales t-shirt, he in a Lake Chelan t-shirt and faded plaid sleep pants) just relaxing and playing with our toys.

The dog decided to wonder in and curl up on the floor at the foot of our bed.
Ah, we are all happily together again.

Life is indeed good.

1 comment:

Jan said...

OH COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A title like "toys in bed" starting off with "Mr Right returning home."
Your are just plan MEAN!
Here I was ready to read all the private details of your "reunion" and you wrote about blackberrys and kindles!
Yeah yeah get my mind out of the gutter.... but really! TOYS IN BED!