Monday, June 13, 2011

airport construction

I first started driving to Sea Tac International airport 33 years ago. My Dad traveled, and traveled some more. One year he was home 56 days out of the entire year. When I got my drivers license, my parents thought it would be a good idea for me to practice freeway driving by dropping him off and picking him up. From our home, t was about an hour to get to the airport. The very first time I dropped him off, I noticed the road/airport construction. My dad said, just be careful, be aware of the changes and in a month or two they will be all finished. Little did he know.

This morning (it's always morning, always o dark thirty) I dropped off Mr. Right for a flight to Texas to begin a business trip week. Okay, when I dropped him off it was 54 degrees and it is suppose to be 104* today in El Paso, Texas. yikes. When pulling into the airport, I noticed, you guessed it, construction. There was a different "temporary" because of construction, route. Yes, I was careful. I saw the exit for the place I wait the three minutes or 27 minutes to pick him up. In today's world it is called a "Cell phone lot". That means, you wait in your car for the all important call. You "get" the call! You pull out to go pick up your passenger. That is the fourth or fifth cell phone lot I have been to. They keep moving it, again, because of construction.

If my Dad were alive today, I would probably call him. I would ask him where he was this time. (Heck, Mr. Right had to call a different state to ask him permission to marry me.) We would talk politics. I would ask him since his oldest grandson is turning 29 tomorrow, does he feel old? He would ask me what I was learning. What books I was reading. What book I was reading next. He would say he had to get off the phone. I would say to him, Oh Dad, one more thing............

There is still construction on going at Sea Tac. He would laugh and say, oh I'm sure they will be done in a couple of months.

1 comment:

Carmen said...

Tears, soft, salty, tears streaming down my cheeks...I hope the airport construction is never finished.