Thursday, June 16, 2011

only the best

Thirty odd years ago, I went to Quebec for the first time to meet my future in-laws and Mr. Rights's family. Oh my, I sort of can still remember the lump in my throat and the nerves, oh the nerves. I had outfits planned for events and meals and different shoes, oh the shoes. I was prepared.

I am positive (because I kept a scrapbook) that we did many things and traveled around the area and met lots of people. I kept a little pocket journal with me to write down names (and how they connected) and addresses (to send thank you notes). I even had a box of blank notes packed in my suitcase to fill out each evening.

I was asked over and over what china pattern and silverware pattern "we" had chosen. It was of interest to Mr. Rights's family. Quite a few of his family had or were currently working at the local china shop "Cowan's".

When I first saw my mother in law's china and silverware it was a life changing moment. In a flash of a moment, I grew up very, very quickly. I said, "Oh it is so pretty and quite charming." She said (and I quote) "we only use it for good or when
special company comes". Needless to say, you know what I am going to say, I did not, nor have I ever eaten off of their fine china.

Years later when Mr. Right was given a set of family silverware, we opened the lid and were not surprised. Some of the very fine silver with a jaunty daffodil on each piece were still in the original plastic/tissue wrapping. Never used.

If they remember or not, when each of our "new to our family" girls ate dinner for the first time in our home, they drank out of the best crystal we have to offer. They ate off the finest china we have. Sometimes, in the middle of the week, for no reason and they ask for a glass of water, it is served to them in fine crystal with a linen napkin. When my sister in law came to visit for the first time, daily tea in the morning and afternoon was served with the finest tea pots and tea cups I had to offer. Always presented on a tray.

You will never forget being treated with gracious hospitality. Unfortunately, the opposite is true as well. You will never forget being treated like a second class after thought.

Heck, even Eddie knows the difference..."REAL catsup Eddie? Nothin' but the best, Clark!"

Mr. Right comes home from a business trip tonight!!!!!!!! I will have the table set with the fine china. Even if we have a simple dinner or late dessert. I want him to be crystal clear how I feel about him. I want him to know that he was thought about and he is of value. I want to go to a little trouble. I want to elevate the moment.

Welcome home, Mr. Right, welcome home.

"The fondest memories are made gathered around the table."

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