Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hello Summer

I have some potatoes cooking on the stove. I am hoping to turn them into some delicious potato salad later today. I have baked beans simmering. We have homemade Popsicles for dessert. One juiced ripe and sweet pineapple, one mango and one lime, mixed together to make the color lovely. The taste is heavenly.

I am choosing to create a picnic. We will eat in the gazebo tonight. I want to capture a happy summer moment. A freshly ironed snappy tablecloth. Dinner will be a rest stop, if you will. I will try and smooth out the rough edges of the day and the last couple weeks.

Some times are tough, super tough. I guess finding the grace to carve out a snippet of happy summer moments is the trick? We ask that life be kind.

Our hearts of heavy for a very sick friend. Times when your hands are tied are tough. You want to fix everything. You pray. You light candles and send notes. A waiting game that doesn't seem to move in fast forward. You send e-mails and make heartfelt get well cards. You send flowers. You send homemade gifts. You use your best wrappings and put your heart and soul into each offering. You think all the time about them. You try to be creative and come up with sweet nothings that might help.

Guide us with your grace. As we ease our way into the summer, we ask that life be kind.

We will lift our glasses of icy homemade lemonade in salute. Welcome Summer, may it be kind.