Monday, May 2, 2011

The wisdom of my refrigerator magnet

Growing up we had all sorts of mismatched refrigerator magnets stuck randomly all over the door of said appliance. When I went to Quebec for the first time to meet my soon to be in-laws they had a refrigerator in the garage that was covered with 'em. When the boys were teenagers we had magnetic words. Supposedly to teach can imagine what was invented and moved around. Now a days, Mr. Right has a metal book case in our garage that he uses for paint and supplies that men "need" in a garage. (I will say, I love to borrow sandpaper and paint and brushes and thingamajigs from his stash.) His metal book stand is covered with all kinds of magnets. They advertise this and that. I am not sure if we ever do need a lawyer, we will scurry out to the garage and look through all the magnets to get the number of the man who advertised on an old phone book by using that weird "gummy" glue stuff to adhere his magnet that includes: picture, logo and phone number? If we are ever in a pickle with plumbing issues, instead of being panic stricken and worried & frantically using the Blackberry for a phone number to call....there are at least four different magnets with plumbers logos, claims and phone numbers printed boldly just waiting for us to snatch it off the metal and run wildly to the phone to call for help.

I do have a couple of magnets on our refrigerator. One is oval shaped and is hot pink with a clear bubble over the words "Make the Choice to be Grateful."
I read it several times a day. Everyday.

Instead of being tied up in knots today over some stupid medical appointment tomorrow. I am going to heed the words of the powerful magnet.

I am grateful that I have a friend who dropped off a surprise package the night before the last medical appointment. The bag had circles all over it. Come to find out those were not circles. The gift included bubble solution and bubble pipes, and wands and a really, really big round bubble wand that makes tons of bubbles at once. I played outside. Actually played and made tons of bubbles and twirled around until I was a bit dizzy. I forgot about the world for a moment.

I am grateful that while resting (boring) and shuffling through what next library book to read................a card fell out. A book I had ordered and Mr. Right picked up for me had a card sealed in an envelope with my name on it. (spell correctly, which in itself makes me smile). The card was covered with flowers and good wishes and warm thoughts from my FAVORITE, sweet, sassy, curly girl, librarian! Imagine my surprise and wonderment trying to figure out who put a card in a book I ordered? I am sort of wishing her real name was Nancy. I want to call her Fancy Nancy, just like she dressed up for Halloween. See what I mean about her being so sweet? I want to be like her when I grow up!

I am making the choice to be grateful because a surprise box came in the mail last week. Many of you know that Mr. Right and I send 5-6 college care packages a month. Pretty steady since son number one went to college back in 2000. We have friends who have kids in college, or someone we met, or heard about. Or a sister of a friend and on and on. Sadly, we also send military care packages WAY TOO OFTEN FOR WAY TOO LONG NOW. I try and make the care packages useful and funny and fun and light hearted. I try and tuck in things that no college kid could afford or military person could not get their hands on. Sometimes I go with a theme or a color like my Lucky Charms packages I sent out for March. Think how dumbfounded I was when a care package arrived for ME? A college kid in law school with NO extra spending money, sent me a care package. It had jacks and crayons and color books and a stuffed animal and a painting craft and a sewing craft and the nicest card you ever read. It said, I am going to be super busy studying, so I want to send you a little box of happiness that might help you get better after your surgery. OH MY GOODNESS, I have never in my life (even in college) received a care package! I am humbled and oh so grateful.

In case you might have forgotten, Grace Happens. It is our choice to see it.

1 comment:

Jan said...

You share your grace with everyone around you. You send it out into the universe, You deserve it back ten fold.