Monday, April 25, 2011

Christmas tree in April?

I was feeling a bit down on myself for only putting out about a fourth of my Easter decorations. and Yes I have some cute ones. I just wasn't feeling quite up to all the walking and rearranging and set up and take down. I'm a dork.

I thought, gee, it wouldn't take that much to put up more than a few baskets of colored and glittered eggs that I made. I do love the bunnies that I scattered around. The two Easter trees always make me smile. How hard would that be?

Well, time slipped away this month. I didn't do more than iron a couple of table cloths and put a few touches here and there.

Yes, I was feeling lame and lazy.

Then IT happened! On Saturday, like the miricle I was needing or looking for, it was dropped by heaven in my lap. While out and about doing weekend errands we saw it. Yep, a van drove by us. A top the roof of the van was tied on a FLOCKED CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It had the wooden stand and the rope flapping in the wind. It made me smile and laugh and point and giggle.

Apparently, someone was just getting around to bringing home the tree to trim.

And I was worried about not getting all my Easter decor out for display?

Life is indeed good again.

1 comment:

Carmen said...

I wonder if someone just came home from the "war". Christmas being put off until their return. We will never know, but we can wish them all the best. "Happy Holidays!!" , all of them no matter what time of the year it is. :)