Thursday, May 5, 2011

"the" cure

I haven't slept through the night, since well sometime the end of March. sigh.
Too much "stuff" on my brain, I guess.

Imagine, just imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning and it was time to get up? My head felt fine, I wasn't tangled up in the sheets and blankets with a smooshed (yes, that is a word) pillow. Imagine, hearing my dog's tail wag happily instead of her being a little out of sorts at three in the morning, wondering why I was bothering her?

So like any good golfer or intense hockey player............both being rather superstitious........I had to figure out what the "lucky" combination was. I wanted to repeat it over and over and over.

I think maybe the answer lies in the events of yesterday. The day was saturated in sunshine. Not too hot, just right Goldilocks. There were no medical appointments.
Only one important thing planned. The clock was ticking. Noon, that was the target

A car drives into our driveway, a lady jumps out and comes up to the door. Yeah! Time for lunch.

The dining room table was set, ready and waiting. Sitting atop jaunty blue and yellow floral place mats were white plates with blue and white toile napkins (actually 8 kitchen towels I purchased to use as cloth napkins, which iron beautifully, by the way.) The good silverware and nice crystal glasses were empty and ready to be filled and used. A little gift wrapped and placed near a bread plate.

I have these wild blue, yellow, rose, green swirled pasta bowls. I filled the bowls with spring greens and English cucumbers and juicy tomatoes, hard boiled eggs and smoked Gouda and marinated grilled shrimp, lots of shrimp. Then made a little dressing with a surprise lime twist. Served with a bowl of cashews so you could toss on as many as you want and then some. Filled the glasses with Pelligrino and had a stack of Pecan Orange cookies freshly baked and calling our names. A bowl of strawberries just taunting us.

We dug into those luscious salads and then it happened. Without us knowing it, somehow the hands of the clock moved. Oh sure we gobbled up our salads and drank lots of water and laughed and talked and figured out the world's problems and talked some more. We talked sewing (a favorite topic) and kids and husbands and weather and trips.

We each opened a card (one lovely one funny) and a present.

Somehow almost four hours slipped by. We heard our phones ring a couple of times in the background. We didn't even flinch. Now I know you are thinking FOUR hours? We were in our own suspended time of grace. Just light hearted happiness. Time sort of didn't matter.

Actually, she had to leave to attend a very important six year olds' birthday party of macaroni and cheese and brownies. Yes siree, it was dinner time!

The question my friend, "how do I sleep through the night?" The answer, spend four hours of the day before, being happy. Spend the time laughing and sitting and drinking water. Spend the day lifting another human being up in grace. Spend the time talking of goodness and satisfying work and hobbies. Spending time with someone you feel lucky to be with.....and there is your answer.

That my friend is a recipe for sweet dreams.

"Charm: the quality in others that makes us more satisfied with ourselves".

ps. It sort of helps too, if you are also celebrating each other's birthdays!
pss. Both birthday girls need to be wearing super sparkly, over the top, covered with bling, new sassy spring sandals.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Hello there Sweet Daleen!
What a gift your comment was to me today on Blooming on Bainbridge!
Made me SMILE and say..."what a sweet sweet soul to leave such a sweet comment."
Thank you for that!
Happy Happy Birthday to you and your sweet friend.
What a delight to spend the afternoon in such JOY!
You have a lovely blog!
And...a beautiful HEART.
Delighted to meet you!
Thanks for making my day so SWEET with your kind words!
Happy Birthday week! xoxoxo