Monday, May 9, 2011

mother's day surprise

I was sort of caught by surprise yesterday. It was Mother's day. Sure you hope you will be remembered. I was. You hope you get great food and cards and maybe a giftie or two. I did. You secretly hope you get a phone call or two. I did. You sort of hope that even though your Mr. Right says "you are not my mother", he still remembers you with a funny card and gorgeous flowers. He did.

You just don't imagine the moment when your grown up boys act like grown up men. Your breath is sucked away, just for a moment. You feel like you are sitting there watching a movie. You are really there, it just seems like you are watching it or listening to it unfold in slow motion.

When you catch a snippet of a conversation...son number 1 apparently took grandgirlie to the store a couple weeks ago to buy a mother's day card..........your heart beats an extra time. (He thought ahead, he planned, he included a little girl in the planning.) When you take a peek at the card and notice that he had an 8 month old "sign" said card, you secretly smile.

When you notice a luscious, full, gorgeous bouquet of blush long stemmed roses, you are instantly grateful that Mr. Right taught the dad/husband lessons very, very well.

When you unwrap son number 2 presents, you are over the moon happy with the thoughtfulness. You see we "had" these ice cream dishes that everyone hated. When you scraped your spoon on the side the strange frosted glass, it made a creepy high pitched, fingernails on chalkboard kind of screech. urgh. He said enough. It was way past time to replace them. No, do not donate the old ones to Goodwill. Wrap them in brown paper and take a hammer to them and smash the living daylights out of them! When I opened the special sprinkles....well he had me. I love sprinkles. Even when the boys were little I would use sprinkles on their oatmeal! I just thought it would make them happy and want to eat. Heck sometimes, we would use sprinkles on mashed potatoes! When they were little they loved it. When they were teenagers they thought it was lame. When they came home from college, they just thought I was goofy. Now, they are sending me sprinkles because they know it makes me happy and I am guessing it makes them happy too.

Just when you think you are strong enough to handle most see your Mr. Right holding and whispering sweet nothings into your grandgirlie's ear and making her laugh and he looking so proud and happy. Grace washes over you and it feels lovely.

Just when you think you are strong enough to handle most see your 6.2', big tattooed armed son feeding his sweet daughter beets. You see him teasing her and making her laugh. Grace washes over you and it feels lovely.

Just when you think you are strong enough to handle most are talking on the phone with your 6.4', tall tattooed armed son and he says, nope, I don't want you to pass the phone to Dad, I can talk to him any other day of the year. We just want to talk with you. Grace washes over you and it feels lovely.

I am grateful and happy, really happy that I have come this far. Far enough to be still and watch and listen. Grace happens and this time I was in the moment and it unfolded right before my very eyes.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Well, you know me, your "cry baby" friend. Your blog got to me again. Guess it touched my heart too.