Monday, November 8, 2010


Mr. Right does not hear well. Yes, he has hearing aids. No, he does not like them nor does he wear them.

Because I can hear very well, I am the one who knows when the car lights are left on. I can hear the beeping.

I know when the microwave timer goes off. Mr. Right uses it as a timer for his grilling.

I know when the stove timer goes off and the phone rings and I can hear when his Blackberry is vibrating (even with no sound).

When he is driving and I am a passenger, I can hear the sound of sirens coming and from what direction.

I am the one who can tell him some gossip at a party or a funny line in a movie that he may have missed.

Sure, this isn't going to work forever. For now, I am grateful that I can hear for both of us. Yes, I forget to turn my head to him to speak sometimes. Yes, I forget a little pad of paper in my purse for church sometimes.

For today, I am grateful for good hearing.

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