Thursday, September 23, 2010

better baker than nurse

Mr. Right has not been feeling well this week.

I am the world's worst nurse. I can't seem to be quiet and not talk up a storm. I
fuss and clean and tidy. Some sick puppies just want to be left alone. (Speaking of puppies, our sweet dog is a good "sick dog". She comes to where you are laying down and lays down on the floor next to you. Waiting with you until you are all better, so sweet.)

So instead of a white uniform and nurse's hat, I put on an April Cornell, yellow and green riot of color apron and get to work. The business of cooking for the patient.

This week, I have made; chocolate pudding, and English Muffin Bread (makes the best toast in the world), Sheppards' Pie with homemade mashed potatoes on top and lots of healing vegetables inside, homemade juice, and more juice. I have emptied that darn fruit and veggie basket twice this week and it is only Thursday! Today, I am making apple sauce with healing cinnamon. Oh sure I have the "thingie" that you put the apples in, once cooked and turn and turn and then have to clean......I will cook the apples, add some magic and then use the immersion blender to do the job in about 30 seconds.

Now, I ask, would you rather have a nurse that is stuffy and strict and mean wearing white support hose OR would you rather have a chatty curly girl bringing you homemade bread toasted to perfection with fresh applesauce?

Unfortunately, or fortunately for Mr. Right, he doesn't have a choice!

I am trying to do quiet projects like hand sewing and embrodiery as to not make too much noise.

...the circle of wellness is supported by both movement and stillness.

Maybe between the lazy (I mean stillness) of our dog and my crazy need to be
moving and doing.........Mr. Right will get better soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope he is better all ready! (to bad you didnt give him the choice of the naughty nurse in high heels and... oh yeah, "G rated" blog. Sorry)