Thursday, September 30, 2010


That is the amount we saved in coupons last year. This year, with three months to go, we have saved $1,407.62, woohoo!

Advice to married couple to be: use coupons.

I spend about 15 minutes a week getting coupons. Yes, we keep track (on the calendar), yes we only count the ones we actually have to hand over. Not the "savings" from the store. Yes, it makes our life a little nicer.

Rich or poor, young or old, newly married or passed the silver heading for gold,
use coupons. It is a smart way to handle your hard earned money.

Advice number two for the day: never pour yourself a glass of water, or juice or lemonade or coffee or get a soda without asking G.I. Joe if he would like something too. He will do the same for you. It is not waiting on him hand and foot. It is called having good graces, it is called being civil as well as one more outward sign that you are nurturing your relationship.

Advice number three for the day: Do the dishes together. Yup, you heard me right. It could be just tossing the pizza box and wiping down the counter or it could go on until 3 in the morning until after the Thanksgiving dishes are done. Hang out together after the meal. Set up the coffee for tomorrow. Make some lunches. Dry or wash or fill the dish washer. It is the best time to talk. You betcha! Talk, like people who like each other. Talk and get something done twice as fast together. No, the kitchen is not just for Wonder Girl to use her powers to clean up the kitchen.

Girlfriend to girlfriend, let it be known that yes, a little hanky panky has gone on after said dishes were done. There is nothing like looking at a nice pair of well fitting Levi's on a handsome dishwasher to put a twinkle in your eye.

1 comment:

Emma said...

Miss Daleen

you know if this were some random person who was writing this it would still be awesome advice!!!!! now with that said it would also be alot less disturbing if i knew my mom wasn't reading this all as well, with all possibility of her reading it to dad... but i love all the advice you are giving me just the same, no we love all the advice :) so if there is anything else and im sure there will be :) keep on giving it

thank you


wonder girl