Thursday, September 1, 2011


In all the confusion of the last four weeks, some of
my jobs and Mr. Rights's jobs have switched or changed hands.

Last week while shopping at the commissary, he got the coupons out
to hand over. He set the "famous" coupon binder aside.

Last night we went to make a quick trip to pick up a couple of things.
Alas, no binder. Not anywhere we looked. Heart sank.

We walked into the store, Mr. Right went to the office to see if there
was a lost and found.

Insert angels singing here................................................

Hello red, fancy decorated, swirled paper covered coupon binder, I missed you.

We are back in business.

Here is to clear headed thinking in the month of September!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Yahoo! So glad you didnt have to start over (again)