Monday, April 4, 2011

toxic laughter

When our plates are overflowing with "life", sometimes we forget to pay extra, extra attention to our Sweet Liberty, the dog. She gets her big, hairy, nose bent out of shape and then retreats to her bed or worse, jumps up on the sofa and turns her head away from us and stares at a flying pig we have decorating the wall. sigh.

I hate to admit it here in blog land, however, when Mr. Right is overly busy with work and overtime and "life", sometimes I get my nose bent out of shape, too. Not the most becoming trait a gal could portray.

Friday, was not a good day. Too much medical and depressing news. Just tough all around. So while walking through the mess of the day, I was gently reminded of all the other people having appointments, x-rays, consults, tests...........alone.

I am a lucky girl. Mr. Right, goes through every single appointment, test, consult right beside me. Here is the part that he is going to heaven for.........he stays calm and nice and always speaks with kindness even when I am a TOAD. A WORM. A CREEP to be around. Yes, even when I say nasty things to him about others or the situation. Even when I swear behind my hand to him and yes, even when I cry...he is the calm, thoughtful insightful person in my corner. Get this, he even is tracking his (extremely perfect bp & low pulse) blood pressure along with me, since I have to do that.

So we had to take Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday "over easy". We ate out and goofed off and read and goofed off some more. We took in a movie Lincoln Lawyer (totally worth your time, pretty darn tootin' good)... Mr. Right folded laundry and vacuumed and made a great breakfast or two.

Once in a while we make our own grown up fun. Sort of like when you were a little kid and you played "shadow puppets"? This is our grown up version. I will say it has been about 8 or 9 months since last we played. Here's what you do: you go to the dollar store and purchase a few glow in the dark bracelets and necklaces and wands etc... don't spend more than five bucks. It is suppose to be fun not expensive. These are the glow in the dark things that work once you bend and break free the toxic chemicals inside the tubes. Mr. Right surprised me with five bracelets on Saturday night after we got into bed. Oh yeah. We love those. We laugh and giggle and "write our names" in the air and twist and turn to make our own Spirograph shapes. We made fan shapes and mix colors. This time ours were hot pink, lime green, fluorescent yellow, shocking orange and brilliant blue. It is always a hoot and totally takes your mind off of the stupid stuff in life. We usually end up playing for 30 minutes or more. (When the kids were little they would put the glow sticks in the freezer over night to save them for one more day.) Anyhoo, good clean fun and laughter..........................wait What is that? Oh no! Oh my goodness...........okay we have spots of glowing orange on the wall, on our pillows, on our faces and hands and comforters, and pajamas and on the ceiling......................OH MY GOSH..........the orange one broke and we are flipping it everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!! Toxic for sure.......can't catch our breath, laughing too hard.......trying to get up and wash hands and faces and linens and the wall and the lampshade and the nightstand.............. Okay, we are gasping for air, nope not from the highly toxic and most likely radio active chemicals....from good old fashioned belly laughter! yep, toxic laughter.

Nothing graceful about that mess. Just a restful night sleep after side hurting laughter. Laughter is pretty good medicine. Who knew?


Jan said...

LMAO!I can just see it! :-)

Carmen said...

I am still laughing!! I can soooo see the two of you doing this. Hmmm...what if one plans to intentionally use the glow stick liquid for decorating purposes for one night. I know 2 little girls that would scream with delight. I just may need venture into the land of OMGoodness fun. So, question, was it hard to clean up? Did it stain anything? Oh I am so into this!!!