Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The hottest Spaghetti Sauce I have ever eaten

Yesterday, my mother in law passed away. I will share her recipe for sauce.
Seems like the right thing to do.

My first home cooked dinner date (1981) with Mr. Right he made his mother's Spaghetti Sauce. I was so impressed that he cooked and it all looked so nice with the table set and ready.

I took one bite and my eyes watered. Yep, I kept on eating. It was so spicy hot I thought my head would explode. I was never so happy to see a sweet chocolate pie brought out for dessert in my life. Ah, cool, sweetness for my tongue.

It is not my favorite. Everyone in the family has the recipe. It is suppose to be secret. I really detest when people say recipes should be kept secret and not shared. I love the idea of being remembered by a special recipe or treat. I love the idea of taking some one's recipe and tweaking it just a bit to make it work for your family. I love the idea of sharing recipes.

Here is her recipe. May she rest in Peace.

Elaine Percival Hunter Wilson's Spaghetti Sauce

(Stanstead, Quebec, Canada)

4 Tablespoon (in which you fry 2 small chopped onions)
1 pound ground pork
1 pound ground beef
Add to onions and salt & pepper to taste. Cook for 15 minutes until color

In another pan combine:
4 Tablespoons oil
2 small chopped onions
1 10 ounce can tomato paste
1 10 ounce can tomato juice

Heat just to boiling and add:
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 Tablespoon white sugar
4 cloves chopped garlic
8 cloves
5 dried red peppers
3 bay leaves
1 cup water

When this is hot add the meat and onion mixture and cook slowly for 3.5 hours.

Sometimes this sauce is very hot and other times it is just right. You can freeze the sauce, however, you may want to remove some or all of the peppers.

1 comment:

Jan said...

You are remembered by your recipes! At least in our family you are :)
I can not tell you how many times your name is brought up when we are cooking, thinking about what to make etc. It's "the one Daleen makes" or "that recipe from Daleen" or "I like the way Miss Daleen makes her's" LOL
Half the recipes I have that are used frequently have your name on them:)