Thursday, February 3, 2011

a pink t-shirt

Across the front of the sweet pale pink t-shirt I am wearing
are the words "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada".
The famous old sign is printed in gray on my souvenir.

Mr. Right came home last night from a business trip
from guess where? Yup. Yes, he stayed at the Bellagio,
yes he stayed and dined at some swanky places....
yes, this pink t-shirt is "all I got".

It makes me feel special. Plain and simple. I love that he
thinks of me. I love that he brings me a "present" wrapped in
the gift shop bag. I love that he tries to buy my size. Some of the
ones he brings me are sleep shirt size, some I can wear during the
day with jeans.

When I was a little girl, our dad would bring us little gifties
from his many business trips. One time, my sisters and I
each got these very "fancy" beaded purses from Washington, D.C.
We felt like grown up ladies receiving such special "go out to
dinner purses". I loved the beads and the sparkle and the
very grown up feel. I loved the way some of the beads were
a different color and spelled out the city's name.
I put coins and a paper kleenex and Bonnie Bell lip gloss in mine
right away! I would be ready for the next time we went out to dinner.

Whenever, Mr. Right would travel for the military, somehow he always
brought stuff home for the boys. One time it was about 50 pens for each,
wrapped in a rubber band. Oh my goodness, you would have thought
he brought them a hundred dollar bill each. They were so impressed.
They loved getting soap and shampoo and sewing kits in little
tiny packages, always the same amount for each. One time,
I caught them laughing, I mean really belly laughing in their room.
I peaked in to see what two little boys were doing.
They each had a clear plastic shower cap on their
heads. Laughing and laughing and laughing.

I don't love that Mr. Right has to travel sometimes. Heck, you'd think
I would be good at it with so much practice from the old Army days?

I do love that he comes home with really sweet surprises tucked into
his suitcase. I am glad that the dog got the "plane crackers" and I
got a pink t-shirt. Both for girls, both equally loved.

He is one of the good ones. I am lucky to be bathed in grace daily
from such a man.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Sounds to me like that Tee shirt would be really cute with a grey sweeter.. do you have one? LMAO