Wednesday, July 21, 2010

friends first

Yesterday, a dear friend stopped by to visit. She brought me flowers and her sweet smile. No reason, really, I think she just knew I had made it through a rough and bumpy week. She didn't judge that I was not looking my best. I was not all gussied up for company. I guess she really isn't company. She is part of our family.

She brought kitchen towels made from towel yardage which she had sewn different fabrics bands upon. She wrote out lots of her favorite recipes and tucked in a sweet crocheted flower hot pad. All of those items were for our box
to be sent to the gal we are sending a surprise to. She is the gal for whom the tornado changed her and her family's life forever. My friend (ever and always thoughtful) also tucked in some moola to help with the postage.

She came over in a pair of sweet jeweled black flip flops (she got on sale, woohoo). She always looks put together and fresh. Her nails are always done and she always looks like she has taken care of herself.

We visited for a bit, we laughed and talked seriously too. We chatted about the "younger generation" of using text messages and phones during special events. We talked about three cell phone ringtones going off during a funeral I had attended on Monday. Then something of perfect timing happened, our home phone rang, loudly.

When she or other friends have been visiting, the phone has rung before and I have done the exact same thing each time.

I didn't even flinch. She was in our home. She was the most important thing in my life at that moment in time. The phone rang four times prior to going to voice mail. (yes, it could have been Publishers Clearing house, yes it could have been Mr. Right or yes the kids) She didn't look at the phone. We just kept on talking. We talked about flowers and a beading class she is taking. We talked about the new granddaughter. We talked about the Christening gown. Oh, we have known each other for over 32 years, we can talk!

Off she went to have dinner with a couple of friends. I went back into our home to make dinner for Mr. Right. Both of us smiling and waving. A brief moment in the day brought joy to each of us.

After a day of baking, I was not thrilled that I did not look my best. I was not in top form as a gracious hostess after the week I have had. I was not happy that I did not present myself as perky and happy as usual. However, I am proud of myself for having the grace to put my friend first before the interruption of the telephone. She knew. She knew in an instant, just how important she is to me. No amount of Hallmark cards could convey that message.

I like living my life (most of the time) guided by Grace. I wish for the "younger generation" to learn how good it feels to put your real life friends and experiences first. Save the texting and phone calls for another time. It will still be there.

I want my friends to feel honored to be with me, not second fiddle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! If you arent "full of grace" I do NOT know who is!